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Original song My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
Original artist Unknown
Filk author Bruce Mitchell
Intro Kindly provided in source by Jim McGlinchey - from the RSX songbook Note that ROLLIN was the first backup program on RSX, but normally only ran off the Diagnostic tape system. All the other mentions are later attempts at writing the perfect backup program.

The RSX Backup Song ("Are we back up yet?")

("Are we back up yet?")

Dave Cutler wrote RSX V1,
The kit fit on one magtape then,
The baseline came in in 5 minutes!
My Ghod, how the files ROLLIN!

ROLLIN, ROLLIN, my Ghod, how the files ROLLIN, ROLLIN!
ROLLIN, ROLLIN, my Ghod, how the files ROLLIN, ROLLIN!

PRESRV you can boot from a magtape,
The files go out and come in,
Just don't try to do single files!
My Ghod, how the files ROLLIN!


Disk Save and Corrupt, it works real good,
Whoever wrote it must have grinned,
The index file moves to the low blocks!
My Ghod, how the files ROLLIN!


LUsers back files up with BRU now,
The magtapes it writes are a sin,
They don't read on VMS BACKUP!
My Ghod, how the files ROLLIN!


Myself, I write DOS FLX tapes,
A copy in ANSI for grins,
But mainly, all my disks are shadowed!
My Ghod, how the files ROLLIN!


0-9 / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z