Original song |
If I were a Rich Man |
Original artist |
Lionel Bart |
Filk author |
MaJoC |
Intro |
"Hey, is that from Hacker on the Roof?" [ Bob Chettle, pri comm, while this was being sing-tested ] |
If I had a SCSI
[ spoken ]
Oh dear Lord:
you made many, many small systems.
I realise, of course, that it's no shame to be last year's model,
(*sigh*) but it's no great honour either.
So what would have been *so* terrible
if I'd had just a ...
... small ...
... upgrade?
[ sung ]
If I had a SCSI
(yava dava dava duva duva dava dava dum)
All day long I'd vidi vidi vroom
If I had a SCSI card ---
My CPU would work hard
(yava dava dava duva duva dava dava dum)
If I had a very wide and fast
None too idle SCSI interface.
I'd have a big tall box with bays by the dozen
Room for the biggest disc in town
By my side or down on the floor below;
There would be one big dump tape just backing up
And one even longer winding down
And one more just retensioning for show ...
I'd get new backplane I/O cards for the empty slots
Which would suddenly appear
'Blaster Pro with speakers on either side
And every moused-up scratch and crackle and fart
Would land like the Last Trump on the ear
Proclaiming: Eat your heart out, SGI ...
(ah yes)
If I had a SCSI
(yava dava dava duva duva dava dava dum)
All day long I'd vidi vidi vroom
If I had a SCSI card ---
My CPU would work hard
(yava dava dava duva duva dava dava dum)
If I had a very wide and fast
Never idle SCSI interface.
I see my man, my user, making like a real house freak
With a proper swivel chair!
FTPing source to his heart's delight;
I see him hacking in Perl and TeXing like a guru
Joy! on his face I do declare
Screaming at the servers day and night ...
The most respected benchmark tests
Would all be run on me
My speed it will surprise them
This system really flies ...
If you please, calculate this sum
Pardon me, calculate this sum
With precision that would cross a Cray Five's wires ---
Norton SpeedIndex, SpecFP, SpecI/O, yo ...
But I need only measure times to within
An order of magnitude or so
For ten times bugger all's still bugger all ...
And I would have the space and time that I'd like
With kernel development to play
And maybe have my own special system call,
Andf I'd compile the Holy Source with the latest hacks
Seven hours every day,
And that would be the sweetest thing of all ...
(ah yes)
If I had a SCSI
(yava dava dava duva duva dava dava dum)
All day long I'd vidi vidi vroom
If I had a SCSI card ---
My CPU would work hard
(yava dava dava duva duva dava dava dum)
Lord who gave me sixteen meg of RAM
You left me configured as I am
Need you pull some planet-shafting scam
If I had a SCSI card?