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Original song The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Original artist Unknown
Filk author Bill Lindemann and David Lilienfeld

The Hacker's Battle Hymn

(to The Battle Hymn of the Republic)
by Bill Lindemann and David Lilienfeld

He logged on the eleven,
And his name was "JAB."
The monitor went crazy
On this blighted PDP.
Oh, it never knew what hit it,
Just a hack from DDT.
The Hacker's just logged in.

Woe be it to the system,
Woe be it to the system,
Woe be it to the system,
The Hacker's just logged in.

The Hacker went a-working
All the way into SYSTAT.
He made so many options,
That it made DEC flip its hat.
The op'rator was dazzled
For his Hazeltine went ZAP!!
The Hacker's just logged in.


He started in the summer
Of 1970.
"For me, I'll find a free account,"
Thus sayeth JAB;
Fin'lly moving up to
Gunning everybody's tree,
The Hacker's just logged in.


0-9 / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z