poppy's monkey page

I like Munkeh -- you know, the one on the ITV Digital adverts with Johnny Vegas. I was hoping to buy one from eBay or Yahoo auctions but they're just too expensive -- so I decided I'd make one instead.

I found the knitting pattern on this Monkey fan site. I couldn't knit at all before I started this project but my Mum showed me the basics and I found some good knitting tutors online here and here (although the second of these seems to break in Netscape).

While I was working on making my Monkey, Andrew joined ITV Digial and got a real Munkeh, who came to visit me one evening. Take a look at Munkeh's adventure!

31st March 2002

Monkey's jumper is complete. He likes it a lot.

[Monkey is engrossed]
Monkey writes to Munkeh to tell him about his new jumper

[Monkey and friends]
Monkey with his friends Itsy and Bitsy and the Beeblebear

30th March

Finished sewing Monkey's limbs on. Realised that I hadn't knitted any ears, so hurriedly rectified this. Started knitting Monkey's jumper.

29th March

Monkey's body is now completely stuffed and sewn up, as are his limbs -- but they're not yet attached. He looks very strange.

27th March

Worked out how to "pick up and knit" in the end -- so now I've completed the mouth and eyes. Tomorrow I'll be sewing Monkey together, stuffing him and maybe starting on the t-shirt.

26th March

My monkey is progressing slowly. I have now completed the front, back, two legs, two arms, and the top of his head. Still to do -- mouth and eyes. I'm having a slight problem with the "pick up and knit" section...

13th March

Andrew has a Munkeh! He arrived today and came to visit me this evening. Munkeh's adventure is here!

12th March

The Front of Monkey's body is complete, his back is only a couple of inches long.

The first stages of knitting a Monkey

5th March

Well, I've started...

[poppy knitting]
Me knitting a Monkey

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