The ARM8 is announcedThere is an interesting article in Electronics Weekly, June 2nd page 4. Here are some extracts :-ARM8 will be a new generation chip with 80-100 Dhrystones - expected to be available not before 1995. " This will not be a successor to the ARM6 or ARM7, it will be on a different level." "The successor to the ARM6, the 40-60K Dhrysones ARM7 will be intoduced in the 3rd quarter. Low power processors based on it, the ARM700/710, will be available at the turn of the year." The asynchronous ARM10 is planned for the second half of the decade. This is based upon a development project ARM is supporting at Manchester University. ARM6 core has 20-30K Dhrystones. Article was based on an interview with Robin Saxby. |